Repeat Zones

Blender 4.0 introduced repeat zones.

Using a Repeat Input and Repeat Output node, you can loop a block of nodes for a specific number of iterations.

You must use the @repeat_zone decorator to create these special linked nodes.

from geometry_script import *

def test_loop(geometry: Geometry):
    def doubler(value: Float):
        return value * 2
    return points(count=doubler(5, 1)) # double the input value 5 times.

The function should modify the input values and return them in the same order.

When calling the repeat zone, pass the Iterations argument first, then any other arguments the function accepts.

For example:

def doubler(value: Float) -> Float

would be called as:

doubler(iteration_count, value)

When a repeat zone has multiple arguments, return a tuple from the zone.

def multi_doubler(value1: Float, value2: Float):
    return (value1 * 2, value2 * 2)