Simulation Zones

Blender 3.6 includes simulation nodes.

Using a Simulation Input and Simulation Output node, you can create effects that change over time.

As a convenience, the @simulation_zone decorator is provided to make simulation node blocks easier to create.

from geometry_script import *

def test_sim(geometry: Geometry):
    def my_sim(delta_time, geometry: Geometry, value: Float):
        return (geometry, value)
    return my_sim(geometry, 0.26).value

The first argument should always be delta_time. Any other arguments must also be returned as a tuple with their modified values. Each frame, the result from the previous frame is passed into the zone's inputs. The initial call to my_sim in test_sim provides the initial values for the simulation.

Blender 4.0+

A "Skip" argument was added to the Simulation Output node in Blender 4.0.

Return a boolean value first from any simulation zone to determine whether the step should be skipped.

The simplest way to migrate existing node trees is by adding False to the return tuple.

def my_sim(delta_time, geometry: Geometry, value: Float):
    return (False, geometry, value)

You can pass any boolean value as the skip output.