
The first step when writing is script is importing the geometry_script module. There a are a few ways of doing this:

This will import every type and function available into your script. It can make it easy to discover what's available with code completion, and makes the scripts more terse.

from geometry_script import *

cube(...) # Available globally
my_geo: Geometry # All types available as well

Import Specific Names

This will import only the specified names from the module:

from geometry_script import cube, Geometry

cube(...) # Available from import
my_geo: Geometry

Namespaced Import

This will import every type and function, and place them behind the namespace. You can use the module name, or provide your own.

import geometry_script

geometry_script.cube(...) # Prefix with the namespace
my_geo: geometry_script.Geometry
import geometry_script as gs

gs.cube(...) # Prefix with the custom name
my_geo: gs.Geometry

Now that you have Geometry Script imported in some way, let's create a tree.